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Ethical Marketing initiative launched to combat scam marketing criminals

by adminDecember 12, 2018


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We are proud to announce the launch of our new website and lobby group, The Australian Ethical Marketing Association, designed to expose unscrupulous sales and marketing activities designed to defraud people and to lobby government and law enforcement to combat criminal groups that operate these scams.

The Association aims to attract like-minded businesses, organisations and individuals who subscribe to high standards of morals in marketing to promote these ideals by shining a light on nefarious activities. In so doing, we hope to encourage government, civil organisations and consumer groups to speak from the same platform in the campaign for fair and just practices.

We aim to do this by encouraging victims of marketing scams to come forward and report their experiences to make others aware of fraudulent activities, how the wolves operate and how to avoid falling prey to their criminal claws. By separating the marketing wheat from the chaff, we would ultimately like to create an environment of trust, accountability and respect between consumers and legitimate, upstanding companies.

Earlier this year Australian Accident Helpline suffered reputational damage from cold callers falsely claiming to represent the company contacting members of the public and promising accident claim compensation cheques. The callers had been trying to access personal data which was reported on the ABC, without the national broadcaster following up by alerting people to the fact that Australian Accident Helpline is a legitimate company and a victim of scam operators. Hence our motivate to launch the campaign.

On numerous occasions, we have had to defend our reputation, but we are not by any stretch of the imagination the only company to fall victim to these kinds of ploys. This type of criminal activity damages our reputation and those responsible should be brought to book.

It’s left us with little choice but to create our own platform to fight these criminals and bring other victims together on the same podium to get government singing from the same hymn sheet.

We have officially launched Australian Ethical Marketing Association website and will soon be starting an online petition with the goal of generating tens of thousands of signatures calling on the Federal Government to pass laws that will make it virtually impossible for cold calling companies to operate in Australia.