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$XY compensation for a linear skull fracture from a motorcycle accident.

Lawyers win $XY for a 25-year-old man who suffered a fractured skull in a motorcycle collision.

Injuries: Linear Fractured Skull

The client was driving his motorcycle down Queen’s road, in Melbourne. Roughly at 7 pm the client exits the highway and proceeds to slow down. The car behind, was driving very close to the client, was not able to stop in time clipping the tail of the client’s motorcycle.

The client loses control of his motorcycle colliding with the vehicle in front. The client was thrown from his vehicle over the front vehicle and slid across the intersection. The client suffers multiple lacerations and bruises all over his body even with the correct protective wear.

The client’s head impacted with the ground as he was thrown on the ground. With the help of his helmet, he was admitted into the hospital with the linear skull fracture.

Follow-up treatment

As the fracture wasn’t open, no intervention was needed. The client’s head wound was scanned for any internal damage and nothing was found. 14 days after the accident the client’s pain eased in general. However, he developed spasms of pain which randomly happened throughout the day.

The client’s lacerations were cleaned from debris lodged into the wound. The wounds were dress and dressing were changed often. The client was prescribed antibiotics to avoid any infections to his wounds.

6 months later the wounds to the client’s body have healed and he is able to have full use of his arms and legs. Scarring is extensive on the client’s body especially a large scar down the side of the client’s body.

Lifestyle impact

The client’s lifestyle changed as the client was not working for almost 10 months. He was not able to return to work for that time and the client’s financial situation drastically changed.

Final Compensation Settlement

The defendant admitted liability and the settlement was agreed upon early on in the mediation process. The client was awarded $XY for his injuries. The two parties agreed on a settlement, therefore, it did not escalate to a court hearing.