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Do you have to report a car accident to police in WA?

by adminFebruary 11, 2020


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We understand how confusing car and road accidents can be. We also realise you may be wary about making a report if you’re not sure how the accident unfolded in clear and unambiguous terms. If this is the case, you should seek legal advice as soon as possible.

Car accidents happen fast and often leave people disorientated, you may think you’re at fault however in legal terms you may not be. For help and advice call 1800 106 107 now.

When to report a car accident to the police in WA

Any driver involved in a road accident must report a traffic crash if it took place on a road or any place frequented by members of the public and:

  • the incident resulted in a person suffering from injuries; or
  • the total value of  damage exceeds $3000; or
  • the owner or representative of any damaged property is not present.

If there is imminent danger or people have suffered from serious injuries call 000.

How to report a road accident to the police?

You can report the accident directly to the police, or if you have suffered from injuries and intend to make a claim, the best way is to report it via the online crash reporting facility. The crash reporting facility provides information to both the Insurance Commission and WA Police.

If you are wary for whatever reason about reporting your crash and would like to speak to someone beforehand please call 1800 106 107.

What information will you need?

You will need to provide the following information:

  • date and time of the road accident
  • the precise location where the incident took place
  • your personal details including name address and phone number
  • your driver’s licence number and expiry details
  • your vehicle licence plate and CTP details
  • details of everyone who was a party to the accident
  • names and telephone numbers of any witnesses
  • details of your injuries and other person’s injuries
  • description of how the crash happened
  • evidence such as photos or video recordings

Please note that it is important to tell the truth. If you are unsure about anything just say you are unsure. Try not to make something up to piece your story together, it could result in you losing your right to compensation, or being left with a hefty bill.