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$XY compensation for fractured hip and leg from a public liability case

Adelaide lawyers win $XY for a 75-year-old woman who broke her hip and leg in a public liability case.

Injuries: Broken Hip and Leg

The client was catching the bus and as she was trying to get off the bus. The defendant closed the doors whilst the client was still on the bus pushing the client onto the ground. The client fell and landed on her hip and leg and could not get back up. The client was escorted to Adelaide hospital via ambulance. The hospital treated the client for a fractured hip and leg.

Follow-up treatment

MRI and CT scans performed upon arrival of hospital confirmed the client had a fractured leg and hip. The fractured both needed surgeries to assist the bones to heal by inserting a metal plate and pins.

Corrective surgery was performed but unfortunately, the procedure didn’t go as planned, the client was left with her left leg shorter than the other. The client required a shoe lift for the client to be able to participate in rehabilitation.

The clients had almost seven months of physiotherapy and sessions with a Physiatrist and other rehabilitation the client is able to walk with a cane, but the movements are limited as well as how long she can stand for.

The client’s injuries will not allow her to physically perform in her pre-accident state.

Lifestyle impact

The client was not working at the time of the accident so there is no difference in the income. However, the medical expenses imbalanced the client’s financial situation.

The client’s husband is 88 years old and was not physically able to care for his wife. The client was forced to move into their daughter’s home for financial stability as well as home care.

Final Compensation Settlement

The client and the defendant had come to an amicable conclusion during the negotiations stage. The defendant admitted liability and understood it was his actions by closing the door without checking the client was the cause of her injuries.

The client was awarded $XY for her injury, pain and suffering and medical expenses. The case was settled on a no win no cost arrangement in the early stages ensuring a speedy process for the client.