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$XY compensation for being scalped by machinery from a worker’s compensation case.

Lawyers win $XY for a 25-year-old woman who was scalped by machinery in a work-related incident.

Injuries: Scalped by machinery and PTSD

The client was working in a restaurant which had an industrial pasta machine. During her afternoon shift, the client was making fresh pasta ready for the dinner rush. The machine got caught on some pasta and the client decides to check the machine.

The client’s hair was in a hairnet as regulation for food handler. The hairnet gets caught first, shifting exposing the client’s hair to the machine. The hair was caught around the gears. Unfortunately, the emergency stop wasn’t administered in time and the client was scalped on the top of the head.

The client’s injury was exposed flesh with the client’s hair and skin still attached to the machine. The wound had a diameter of roughly 8cm found on the top of the client’s head.

Follow-up treatment

The client was transferred to the hospital from the scene. The client had emergency surgery to reattach her hair and skin.

After a few months, the client’s wound healed almost completely, however she was experiencing flashbacks to the event. The client was diagnosed with PTSD.

Lifestyle impact

The client’s lifestyle changed after the accident, however, the client’s physical ability was back at its pre-accident state.

The client’s mental state was different. The client had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder in regards to the incident where she was scalped. The client suffers from bouts or depression, anxiety and moodiness.

Final Compensation Settlement

The pasta machine was found to be not of regulation, there was supposed to be a cover on the machine, but it was removed and never put back. Defendant understands that due to his lack of duty of care to make sure the workplace is safe, was the reason for the client’s injuries.

With the understanding to who was liable for the injuries, the client had sustained the compensation case was settled via negotiations carries out by her workplace injury lawyers. The client was awarded $XY for pain and suffering, loss of income, medical expenses and many other factors contributed to the negotiation of the final settlement.